We are dedicated to help make alternative energy products and services an everyday reality.
Despite great progress, there is still much work to be done to increase the uses of these technologies. However, there are encouraging trends.
Wind generated energy is becoming common place.
It is now not difficult for most people to move off the grid, own a back-up power system or at least have a choice of utilities that offer green energy.
Having an alternate source of electricity allows one the comfort and security of a reliable power supply.
Urgent environmental concerns, electricity deregulation, global warming, technology improvements and increased efficiencies, have expanded the market for alternative energy.
Consumers now have numerable choices of solar energy and wind generator systems. Reliable components and equipment are becoming widely available.
Fuel cell technologies are progressing well and industry consortiums are developing fuel cell systems for cars, trucks and buses.
Stationary systems are being developed to power industry and homes.
Through out our site we offer you a wide range of information on alternative energy products and services to learn about.
Not to be forgotten are the inventors, tinkerers, "free energy devices", home-brew alternative energy projects and enthusiasts out there.
We pay tribute to them by providing a diverse assortment of articles on alternate energy, technology, science, inventor's resources and other curious mind news from around the world.
We also have daily new updates, alternate energy news, contributing articles, and regular features that will help you to make educated decisions about your power options.
You can be on your way to energy self- sufficiency.
We are expanding our alternative energy resources all the time so drop by often. You may even have some fun while you are here.
Our mission is to help facilitate the mass marketing and commercialization of alternative energy products-services by
- Daily updated breaking news and articles on alternate and renewable energies, environment, science and sustainable development.
- Educating the general public about the availability, usage and need for these technologies.
- Providing forums and a marketplace for the exchange of ideas, products-services and resource information.
What you can do
Get involved. Find out what is happening with these amazing devices and how they are being applied in real time situations.
Efficient alternate energy systems are making significant contributions to the world's energy mix and are becoming more available to the public.
If you are thinking about purchasing renewable energy, do your home work. You will find that energy efficiency is one of the first steps that you must take in order to prepare your home.
There are a wide range of renewable energy resources at this site to help you evaluate and calculate your energy needs. Research company products-services and talk to people in your area who have installed or buy Green Power from their utility.
There are thousands of people around the world that get all of their electricity from renewable energy sources. You can be one of them too.
If you already obtain your electricity from these sources tell us your story, we know quite a few of our visitors would be happy to hear about your adventures in obtaining alternative energy for your home.
The industry has changed from one of narrow remote applications to one characterized by wide public acceptance, price reductions and improved technologies. The world wide market for alternate energy is expanding at an astonishing rate of 25% per year as these systems become common. Wind energy is fast becoming cheaper to produce than traditional fossil fuels
The emerging hydrogen economy and developing infrastructures could change the way we obtain our energy. While there are still technological hurdles to overcome, micro fuel cells and stationary systems are beginning to reach the marketplace.
Escalating worldwide fuel prices are increasing the demand for clean, alternative fuel sources dramatically and it has become a global imperative that we break our addiction to oil. Providing for the ever increasing energy needs of the planet is going to take a wide range of alternate energy systems and green technologies are finally beginning to establish themselves in a sector expected to grow tenfold within several years. The future is bright for alternate energy sources and a more sustainable world.
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